Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Well Christmas is over for another year, and what a Christmas it has been! We had almost completely sold out by the beginning of December, despite significantly increasing our numbers this year, and hadn’t a bird left on Christmas Day – we even nearly sold our own goose! That would not have gone down well! 

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all our wonderful customers who make all the hard work worthwhile with their support and positivity. We hope you all enjoyed a fantastic Christmas, a delicious bird and lots of happiness.

Now our sights are set on 2014 – onwards and upwards! We are rearing darling and delicious Aylesbury ducks all year round (no rest for the wicked!) and we think they’re rather good...luckily so do some other folk – here are the kind words of Freddy Bird, the head chef at the lovely Clifton Lido;

"I have recently discovered a new farm who now supply us with their ducks (I hope soon they will be able to supply us beef, lamb and pork as well). Farmer Will and his sister rear Aylesbury ducks on a small scale. These free range ducks are reared, slaughtered and dry plucked (all on the farm) by this brother and sister team. I used to keep Aylesbury ducks as a child and have longed for a roast duck that tasted as good as they did – finally I have – in fact these trump any duck I have ever eaten! Just simply roasted these ducks are fantastic!"

Thank you Freddy, we're glad you approve! 

Wishing you all a very happy New Year, 


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Christmas Countdown Is On!

And so we find ourselves in October .... December is certainly looming and things are hotting up at JGHQ!

The turkeys are growing and exploring their home; they love to roost on bales and their cute chirps have turned in to gobble gobbles ... funny things! They're all getting big and plump now - reminding us that Christmas is on it's way.

The ducks and geese happy neighbours and are loving the rain (unlike the rest of us!) Their honks and quacks ring out throughout the paddocks - what lucky neighbour we have! They're all in full feather and looking very impressive - we can't understand how they can stay so white when they love puddles so much!

The wonderful summer we all enjoyed has left us with heaps and heaps of wonderful hedgerow fruits...so what does that mean? That's right - JAM TIME! We picked a plethora of blackberries, rosehips, sloes and haws so now we're stocked up on jams, rosehip syrup and sloe gin to see us through to next summer!

We've been very busy recently converting an old dairy into a brand spanking new butchery and kitchen. It's a huge step up for us so we're hopeful that this Christmas will be a success to make sure it was all worth it! We're hoping to be finished in the next two weeks so as soon as we are we'll treat you to a little tour of our lovely new HQ!

Wishing you all a jolly October!


Thursday, 22 August 2013

Duck Tales!

Hello everyone!

So as you can see, we have some new, adorable additions to the JG family in the form of 86 fluffy little ducklings! This post is going to be pretty laden with photos, but they're just too cute to not!

These chickas are only one day old and so inquisitive! They are Aylesbury ducks - a traditional, English breed, that will be grow up to be white and chubby! 

We will now be rearing ducks throughout the year to compliment our Christmas sales, a new and exciting venture! 

Look at this guy!

For the first few weeks, the ducklings will live indoors under heat lamps, until they are big and strong enough to head on out into the paddock. 

With a Will for scale

Oh hey there!

Sorry for the overly soppy post this month - but come on, how cute are these things?! 

Remember, on a serious note (booo), Christmas is just around the corner so if you're thinking of having a beautiful, free range goose, turkey or ducks this year, give us a bell. 


Monday, 5 August 2013

The Jolly Goslings have arrived!

Hello everyone and happy August!

As you can see the lovely little goslings have landed at JGHQ...look how nosey they are! They were keen to get straight out in their paddock on arrival - exploring their new home and neighbours. They calves and pigs are very puzzled! They have been happily grazing the paddock and even enjoyed the little rain showers the other day! They are about one month old their beaks and feet are starting to take on an orange tint, though no signs of the first honk just yet!

We have already had some Christmas orders come in (you organised folk, you!) so if you're considering going goose this year (or turkey or duck......) send us an email;


Over and out! x

Monday, 10 June 2013

Happy summer everyone!

We hope you've all been enjoying the sunshine as much as we have here at JGHQ! The animals have loved the sun and fresh grass that has been rocketing during the past few weeks - June, you've won us over so far!

The sheep have been sheared ready for more balmy days out in the fields;

And we've taken the first cut of silage to see us through the winter:

Not that we want to think about winter too much right now!

The grass is cut and gathered before it dries (unlike hay) and stored under plastic sheeting to stop it from drying out and to allow it to ferment. After fermentation, the silage has a sweet taste and smell, which the cows love!

We're also about to put the piglets and their mummy out into the paddock so watch out for that update....!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Calf Chaos!

Hello everyone and happy Spring!

So during the recent weeks we've been busy doing reasonably dull things...like building sheds and painting parlours but finally we have something photogenic and fun to write about.....our new calves!

We've acquired five new little calves - just a few months old - to join our happy menagerie! This is Flora;

The calves are very sweet but are shy still - that'll soon change though! They are Simmental cross Friesian calves from our local dairy farmer and so will grow nice and big (hopefully). They're still drinking milk which we make them morning and night but soon they'll be weaned onto homegrown barley and silage. When they're big enough we'll put them out into the paddocks, which is exactly what we did this weekend with our bigger calves. This is them this morning, enjoying the sunshine!

To get them to the paddock we walked them on halters....much easier said than done. It turned into a bit of a rodeo! Who knew they had it in them! Anyway, after a lot of running, jumping and slamming on the brakes, we managed to get them into the paddock where they lept around and tasted grass for the very first time! They're five very happy calves!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Horay! This morning our wonderful sow Vinnie (I know, we had a little gender identification error when she was very young...!) gave birth to a lovely litter of squidgy little piglets - what a brilliant sight to wake up to! So far they have all had a good drink of precious milk and are already adventuring around their pen ... though not straying too far from their mummy. When Vinny is about to let down her milk she grumbles at them and they all quickly scrabble back to her!

This is Vinnie's second litter - about 18 months ago she had a small litter of 6 which have grown up to be beautiful, if not a little pesky, pigs. This litter is much bigger, as usual with a subsequent litter, with 14 piglets. That's more than doubled our pig numbers in one swoop!

Vinny and the babies will stay indoors until the piglets are big and strong and the weather is warm and then we will unleash them into the fields, where I'm sure they'll have no end of fun!

We'll keep you updated as these little lovelies grow!


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facebook - The Jolly Goose Co

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Happy Ewe Year!

Hello and happy new year everyone!
We hope you all had a wonderful festive season!

Well we have been busy - after the mad dash of Christmas, it was straight in to our lambing season... no rest for the wicked!

Despite the cold and the wet, we've had some lovely lambs born so far and we're nearing the half way mark for ewes due. Phew! Our Suffolk lambs are black and fluffy with huge ears which is oddly adorable! We keep them warm under heat lamps and on days like today, they love a good sunbath in the sheds when the sun makes a rare appearance.

We will now be lambing until April so I'm sure there will be a few  pictures to follow. We also have some more little ones arriving soon - our calves are due soon and at the end of February we are expecting some lovely little piglets. What an exciting start to the new year!