Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Horay! This morning our wonderful sow Vinnie (I know, we had a little gender identification error when she was very young...!) gave birth to a lovely litter of squidgy little piglets - what a brilliant sight to wake up to! So far they have all had a good drink of precious milk and are already adventuring around their pen ... though not straying too far from their mummy. When Vinny is about to let down her milk she grumbles at them and they all quickly scrabble back to her!

This is Vinnie's second litter - about 18 months ago she had a small litter of 6 which have grown up to be beautiful, if not a little pesky, pigs. This litter is much bigger, as usual with a subsequent litter, with 14 piglets. That's more than doubled our pig numbers in one swoop!

Vinny and the babies will stay indoors until the piglets are big and strong and the weather is warm and then we will unleash them into the fields, where I'm sure they'll have no end of fun!

We'll keep you updated as these little lovelies grow!


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